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Triple Divide was designed as a beginner pattern to introduce quilters to paper piecing. The project is fast, uses only one paper piecing technique, employs simple cutting techniques, and is an affordable and fun way to jump into your first paper piecing project. It is meant to make those new to the process find confidence, understanding, and success.

The foundation papers for Triple Divide were designed by Quiltworx. The instructions included herein describe the process of making one quilt. Additional papers are available for purchase to increase the size of the pattern or make another quilt.

Click below for a downloadable .PDF of various kitting handouts!

Size: 53″x 59″
Price: $36.50
Pattern Includes: Instructions, Cover Sheet, Yardage Information, Foundation Papers
Triple-Divide-Amethyst-Jade-Garnet-1pg-KS 1-24-19 Triple-Divide-Gunpowder-1pg-KS

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