Our Judy Niemeyer Certified Instructors are hard to keep up with! This page will keep you up to date with exciting projects, advertisements, specialty classes, and much more Certified Instructor news!
We’ve been updating the Certified Instructor References page, take a look to see what wonderful things people have to say about them!
CI Andrea Schnur is instructing on another cruise in October 2015!
It’s great to see features on our CS and CIs! In this case, Jackie Kunkel is a Certified Instructor (CI) AND, a Certified Shop (CS)! Wonderful article…and lots of Quiltworx fodder for those who love what we do! Proud to have Jackie as part of our team! Click the image below to find this Generation Q Magazine issue (May/June 2014), and others!
Certified Instructor, Eileen Urbanek will be at AQS QuiltWEEK in Phoenix, AZ in early February! Please sign up for her workshop if you’ll be there! We know you’ll have a great time!
Check out this video by Sew Timeless to see our very own CI, Sandy Lueth, give bag/purse-making tips!
CI Lisa McCarthy is offering 2 Quilt Getaways!
Don’t miss your chance to take part in CI Andrea Schnur’s cruise in 2015!