Janie 02-4-2013
Judy Niemeyer Quilting 1/31/2013
As January comes to an end and February begins, we are constantly reminded of a little Montanan saying, “If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes.” Over the last few weeks our weather has been a complete roller coaster ride. One minute we have had sunshine and the next it is either raining or snowing. With that being said, we have also witnessed much beauty. We have experienced the crystallized exquisiteness of hoarfrost on our bushes and ice has finally formed in most of the bays of Flathead Lake (making the fisherman happy). Our highest peaks are coated with a beautiful white snow that will remain untouched by the human hand and snow ghosts tower over our ski resorts. We are frequently reminded of how lucky we are to live in a place that provides splendor throughout the year and are grateful that Quiltworx.com calls the Flathead Valley home.
Amazon Star

To order this pattern, please click on the coversheet above.
We are proud to re-annouce the Amazon Star. This pattern has an updated look, including new quilts and front and back coversheets. Due to increased printing costs this quilt pattern is now $65.00.
Take a look at the new Fabric Cards for each quilt,click below.

Quiltworx.com’s Newest Addition
Our newest feature is our Australian Certified Shop Map
Note: If you are looking in Internet Explorer, only 15 shops may show up – we have 30.
Please click on the map below to visit our Australian Certified Shops

Don’t Forget our Contests
Tumbleweeds & Tropical Rainbow Contests
Click on the pictures below for complete information

Coxcomb Contest
Click on the picture below for complete information

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