Wiwik Winarni
- Kemang Pratama 2, Jl. Kemang Melati 10 no. S-27,
- Bekasi , Jawa Barat 17116
- Phone: +62 877 7601 4572
Hallo, I’m Wiwik from Bekasi, Indonesia.
I’ve always thought I’m a bit crafty since young age ;), so when I quit my job and my mom taught me sampler blocks in late ‘90s, I was immediately hooked. At that time, my dad still worked with an American oil company in Sumatera. Some of the expat (American) ladies taught P&Q to the employee wives including my mom.
I picked up more by learning from P&Q magazines & books, and the internet. Paper piecing was one of the techniques I learned and tried by myself (intrigued by those sharp edges) but quickly abandoned because I found it a bit bothersome.
But Judy’s techniques changed my opinion about machine paper piecing. I took a class here in Jakarta with CI Siska Dart in 2015, it was a really great experience and learned a lot. I decided to pursue a qualification with Quiltworx to become Certified Instructor by joining Quiltworx workshops in Melbourne in 2016 & 2018.
I taught P&Q to others since 2006. At first I participated in teaching sewing as life skills to junior high school students and to under-privilege ladies in Bekasi (social movement), then began teaching classes, and to other cities too such as Tangerang, Jakarta, Malang, Surabaya and Singapore.
I founded my studio, Melati Patchwork, to center all my P&Q activities, gather and manage a group of enthusiastic friends/quilters (around 30 active members). And to support demand of quilting service, my mom, my sister and I taught village ladies how to hand-quilt in Garut, West Jawa.
I also have organized/participated as organizer in other events such as:
- Quiltworx Quilts Exhibition, Halim – Jakarta, 2016, for students who completed their quilts with CI Siska Dart
- Pameran Merah Putih/Red & White Exhibition, August 2017 at Museum Tekstil Jakarta, a week event (exhibition, classes & product bazaar) with participants from all over Indonesia, to commemorate Indonesia 72th Independence Day.
- Exhibition at Museum Layang2 Jakarta, 2018, with Kites theme (quilts & other crafts)
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